Skin Analysis

Technology Skin Analysis
About Skin

Would you benefit from being able to...

  • Educate your clients
  • Increase income from clients booking more treatments
  • Sell more advanced treatment courses
  • Sell more homecare products
  • Show result achieved after following professional recommendation

DermaPro6S testimonial from Beauty on Kapiti Road
Did you know that 95% of people who have the skin scan, buy products on the same day? It's a very helpful tool to have in the skin kit for therapists and clients. It's particularly helpful for younger therapists when they work with older clients, as they're able to showcase before and afters to back up their treatment plan. Watch the full story below.

If you answered yes to any of the above then you can't afford to go about business one day longer without a Skin Scanner! With the skin scanner your clients' skin problems will be staring them in the face, they will not be able to ignore the signs any longer, and it will encourage them to take action today. 

With the skin scanner, your client can see exactly what you as the therapist sees. It is a great tool to show the client the condition of their skin and help them realize how much they need the treatment/ products which you can offer to them. 

It also gives you the opportunity to compare the results achieved for the client's face images before and after skin care/ treatment.


The various skin conditions that the Skin Scanner can reveal vividly are:

  • Congestion/Acne
  • Oily skin
  • Dead skin
  • Poor Circulation
  • Dry Areas
  • Bleached Hair
  • Pigmentation problems
  • Sun Damage below the skin
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Localised Congestion
  • High Coverage and Make-up
  • Good circulation and Hydration (Ideal skin)
Woods Lamp

Woods Lamp

SKU: 212-1032


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